The Song You Will Shortly Hear is Brown Eyed Girl...


AOL's Ryche7989

What better excuse than devoting a section of my page to weight training is there to put up the self-indulgent photo you see above? So I'm not Arnold Schwarzenegger or anything, but since this is my forum I can do whatever I want here. Mwuhahahaha!

At any rate, weight training has been a major interest of mine since about the time I was a sophomore in high school. I find physical excercise to be very rewarding both physically and mentally. I feel that it benefits me in many ways, such as improving my appearance, mood, energy levels, etc. I would recommend a weight lifting program to anyone, male or female, young or old. You can strenghten your body, improve your metabolism, and just feel a whole lot better through weight training.

I'm currently lifting three times a week doing a three day split and hit each bodypart once a week. On Monday I do legs and chest, Wednesday is back and shoulders, and Friday is arms. Its generally considered a bad idea by many people to train legs and chest on the same day but right now I'm not putting much emphasis on chest, so the fact that I'm too tired after doing squats to do much for my chest doesn't really bother me. This program seems to be working well, but I'm trying to figure something out where I can still hit legs and back once per week but do arms and shoulders maybe once every 5 days. If anyone has any advice, or would like to discuss anything related to lifting, drop me a line.

Right now my major goals are to get down to 195lbs (anyone want to guess what I weigh based off that pic?), and to bench press 300lbs and squat 400lbs by the end of the school year, which is about the middle of May. I think that these are fairly realistic goals. My personal best on the bench press is 270lbs which I did a couple weeks ago and my squat is going up pretty quickly. Now I just need to cut down on all the junk food and I think I'll be good to go.

Below are a few links to some areas that I think contain valuable information about weight training. Check them out.


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Geno's Place
The Liberty Call Website

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